Clear communication and align stakeholders

The conversation covers project management challenges and collaboration strategies. Harry Knöner, a project manager with a technical background, shares insights from his experience. In this conversation we’re going to dive deep into the challenges and strategies involved in successfully aligning business and technical teams, a critical aspect of project management that can often make or break a project.

Listening to this interview, you will learn about:

  1. Challenges in Communication
  2. Strategies for Alignment
  3. Successes and Failures in project management

1. What inspired Harry to transition into project management?

Harry began his career with a strong technical background, working in various roles such as IT help desk, teaching computer science, networking, coding, and development management. His journey into project management started when he took on the role of a Scrum Master, which ignited his passion for project management. He eventually transitioned fully into project and product management, where he now focuses on aligning technical and business teams to achieve project goals.

2. What are the key challenges faced by project managers in aligning business and technical teams?

One of the primary challenges Harry mentions is the communication misalignment between business and technical teams. This misalignment can range from small misunderstandings to major disconnects, often referred to as a “communication gap” that can significantly impact project outcomes.

For more strategies on aligning stakeholders and managing communication, check out Align Stakeholders to Deliver a Project Successfully.

3. How does Harry overcome communication challenges between business and technical teams?

Harry emphasizes the importance of understanding the different levels of technical and business knowledge among stakeholders. He acts as a translator, ensuring that all parties understand key terms and project goals. By establishing a common language and aligning expectations, he helps bridge the gap between teams, facilitating smoother communication and collaboration.

For insights into the best tools and practices for enhancing team collaboration, see Boost Productivity with the Top 5 Collaboration Tools for Project Managers in Software Development Companies.

4. Can you provide an example of a successful project management experience that Harry had?

Harry shared a challenging experience where he was managing a critical application for a company during a period of significant change, including a new CTO and the onset of the pandemic. Through persistent communication and by establishing a clear understanding of the business and technical needs, Harry was able to navigate the complexities and ensure successful project outcomes, despite initial doubts about the feasibility of his approach.

5. What did Harry learn from a project where communication and collaboration failed?

Harry discussed a situation where a misalignment between business teams led to a costly delay in project delivery. The key lesson he learned was the importance of having clear, documented communication and ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are on the same page. This experience taught him to never assume that everyone shares the same understanding of project goals and timelines.

6. What advice does Harry have for new project managers?

Harry advises new project managers to always remember that they are dealing with people. Understanding human behavior, building strong relationships, and being empathetic are crucial for successful project management. He emphasizes the importance of being humane, as this not only helps in managing teams but also fosters a positive work environment.

7. How does Harry approach managing different personalities and expectations within a team?

Harry believes in being the middleman who translates and aligns the expectations and communication styles of different stakeholders. By understanding the unique needs and knowledge levels of each team member, he tailors his approach to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal, even if they have different perspectives.

8. What strategies does Harry use to prevent miscommunication in projects?

Harry uses several strategies to prevent miscommunication, including:

  • Familiarizing himself with the knowledge levels of stakeholders.
  • Establishing a common language for project terms and goals.
  • Acting as a translator between teams.
  • Ensuring detailed and documented communication, especially for critical project aspects.
  • Regularly checking in with all stakeholders to confirm alignment on project expectations.

9. How can others get in touch with Harry for more insights?

Harry is open to connecting with others interested in his experiences and insights. You can reach out to him via LinkedIn for more detailed discussions or to learn more about his work in project management.

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