Educational Content

Mastering Communication in Project Management

Effective communication is the backbone of successful project management. In this article, we dive into the wisdom of Rui Coelho, a project management expert with 15 years of diverse experience in the field. From his beginnings as a software developer to his current role as Head of PMO and Retail IT at a leading Portuguese retailer, Rui has navigated the complexities of project management with a focus on communication.

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Clear communication and align stakeholders

The conversation covers project management challenges and collaboration strategies. Harry Knöner, a project manager with a technical background, shares insights from his experience. In this conversation we’re going to dive deep into the challenges and strategies involved in successfully aligning business and technical teams, a critical aspect of project management that can often make or break a project.

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What is Scope Creep in Project Management?

In project management, scope creep is one of those challenges that can sneak up on even the most experienced professionals. If you’ve ever found yourself knee-deep in a project that’s suddenly ballooned beyond its original boundaries, you’ve encountered scope creep. It’s that unplanned growth in a project’s scope that can lead to missed deadlines, blown budgets, and a whole lot of frustration. But why does scope creep happen, and more importantly, how can you keep it from derailing your projects? Let’s explore this concept, especially how it applies to software development, where the stakes are often high and the room for error is slim.

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Dr. Tony Prensa: Skills Needed for the Future Project Manager

I recently had a conversation with Dr. Tony, a seasoned project manager with extensive experience and insights into the evolving world of project management. This conversation provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of project management and the skills necessary to thrive in this dynamic field. Dr. Tony’s experience and advice offer practical guidance for current and aspiring project managers looking to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.

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